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The Kind of Life We Live...
Huglife is our lifestyle. Loving ourselves and every living thing around us. We are a family that gives support, and unconditional cuddles for all. We are avid supporters of mental health initiatives. We reach out to our local community whenever our help is needed. We are avid lovers of nature and all of it's bounty. Whatever your pleasure. Enjoy the world around you . Arm yourself with knowledge, forgive hate, and fight for love. No Thugs/Just Hugs

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The Huglife
Huglife has become lifestyle. Loving ourselves and every living thing around us. We are a family that believes in support, and unconditional cuddles for all. We are avid lovers of nature and all of it's bounty. Surf, skate, wake, snow, whatever your pleasure. Enjoy the world around you . All our products are made by independent suppliers, often in developing countries where our presence can make a real difference. Our business helps to create jobs and independence, particularly for women — consequently lifting people out of poverty and contributing to economic growth. We only work with partners who share our respect for people and the environment, and who are willing to work with us to improve their practices. All suppliers and factories must sign our strict Sustainability Commitment, which includes requirements for fair wages and good working conditions for all. Arm yourself with knowledge, forgive hate, and fight for love. No Thugs/Just Hugs.